Domino is a game played with a set of small rectangular wood or plastic blocks marked with dots resembling those on dice. A player takes turns placing one domino on the table in such a way that its edge touches another domino that has its matching end to form a chain of tiles that gradually increases in length. Dominos can be stacked on top of each other to create a tall tower of tiles. They are also used to make a variety of patterns and designs on the floor.
In addition to the innate entertainment value of watching a long string of dominoes fall, there is an element of strategy involved in playing the game. Each tile has a unique value, indicated by the number of dots on both its front and back sides. A domino is referred to as either a square or a rectangular block and, depending on the game, can be a single color or multiple colors. A ‘double’ is a domino that has two matching ends. Each is considered to have a value of either zero, one, or two, depending on the game and how the rules are written.
Despite being a fun and enjoyable activity, it is also quite challenging to play. A good domino player must plan ahead and lay down tiles with a value that will fit well into the existing pattern of the chain. To accomplish this, each player must match the value of the next domino they wish to place to its current position on the snake-line. The only exception is when a double is placed to a single, where the two matching ends are touching at the middle.
When a person is trying to break a bad habit, it can be helpful to think of that behavior as a domino. A good domino is a small step that leads to a larger goal and will have a positive impact on the future. For example, a domino could be the outlining of a financial plan or the creation of a budget.
A domino can also have a more philosophical meaning, referring to a situation that is predicted to occur due to a series of events, such as an upcoming war or political crisis. In the latter case, it is often referred to as the Domino Effect. The concept was popularized in the United States during the Cold War when President Dwight Eisenhower cited it as an example of Communism spreading to other countries, and eventually overtaking all of them.
When artist Hevesh creates her mind-blowing domino setups, she follows a version of the engineering-design process. She begins by considering a theme or purpose, and brainstorms images or words that relate to this idea. After she has the design in her head, she then creates a blueprint for how to build the layout using paper and pencil. Hevesh has built installations that take up to five minutes to complete and says the physical phenomenon of gravity is the key to a successful domino project. This force pulls each knocked-over domino toward the ground, converting its potential energy into kinetic energy, or the energy of motion, which causes the next domino to fall.