Dominoes and Domino Art

Dominoes are small rectangular blocks with a line down the center. They can be stacked on end in long lines, and then tipped over. Each domino in the line then triggers the next one to tip, and so on until all the tiles have fallen. Various games are played with dominoes, and there is also an art form that involves creating intricate layouts with the pieces.

In the West, dominoes are most often used to play positional games. In these, players take turns placing a domino on the table, positioning it so that its two matching ends touch. Normally, each domino has a number showing at either end. The most common Western domino set contains 28 different tiles, from 0 to 6, and each tile has a specific number showing on its face.

The term domino has become widely known in English, but it was first recorded in French around 1750. Its meaning is unclear, but it may relate to an earlier sense of the word: a cape worn by a priest over his surplice.

Lily Hevesh, 20, first started playing with dominoes when she was 9. Her grandparents had a classic 28-pack, and she loved setting up straight or curved lines of them. Now, Hevesh is a professional domino artist who creates mind-blowing setups for movies, TV shows, and even events. She posts videos of her creations on her YouTube channel, Hevesh5.

Creating domino setups requires planning. Hevesh makes test versions of each section of her installations, then films them in slow motion to see what works and what doesn’t. She then builds the largest 3-D sections of her designs first, followed by flat arrangements, and finally lines of dominoes connecting all the sections.

Domino art is a relatively new and popular way to use dominoes. It’s possible to make very complex layouts, including lines of overlapping dominoes that create pictures and walls. Some artists plan out their work by drawing it on paper, including arrows to show the way they want the dominoes to fall. Others use an online domino art application that allows them to design a track and add in the pieces they’ll need to build their masterpiece.

Like a good domino, a useful task can have a significant impact on an organization’s goals. Whether it’s creating a financial plan or outlining your company’s culture, choosing the right tasks is important. They should be challenging and require a good chunk of time to complete, but they must contribute to the larger picture.

For example, a good domino might be implementing a flexible dress code or revamping college recruiting. Regardless of the task, it’s critical to listen to employees and customers and then act on their feedback. Otherwise, a good domino might turn into a chain reaction of negative consequences.